Friday, January 16, 2009

Vote For Rob

Hello Magazine is currently having a contest for Most Attractive Man of 2008. And our boy Rob is in the running. He is currently in 1st but is competing against David Tennant. I've never seen that guy before but I know he was in a Harry Potter movie. His fans keep bumping him above Rob and we all know who the most attractive is. RIGHT??? So come on ladies and let's help Rob win. Oh and you can vote every 15 minutes too. LOL So get to clicking ladies!


The Rugbymom said...

Well, WTF??? The site says the contest is over on Jan 20th, but it also says the voting is over now????? Oh well, at least Rob was in the #1 spot when I left work this afternoon.

The Rugbymom said...

OK - they let people start voting again late this afternoon. Now that ugly Dr. Who is leading. Ratz! These effin' Canadians don't know Shinola!

Miss Know It All said...

I love David Tennant...but sexy he is NOT!!!