Friday, November 7, 2008

Obsession has hit a new mark...

Today I ran out at lunch to pick up the new copy of Entertainment Weekly (Tiffany, of course, I chose the option with Rob on the cover). While I was in the bookstore, I drifted to the table that holds the Twilight books, as usual. I mean, I have to look. I may have missed something the last 1,000 times I was there. While I was looking around, I struck up a conversation with a TwilightMom. If you really know me, you will understand how strange that is for me...I don't talk to strangers...Anyway, I couldn't help myself - if someone is looking at Twilight stuff I automatically just start talking. She was just the cutest thing! She may or may not stop by - if she does, I just hope she doesn't think we are total perverts! Oh, who am I kidding? We stand no chance of someone thinking we are normal!

Have a good weekend - I'll try to add some goodies over the weekend!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I didn't think twice about which cover you bought. LOL

I've gotta get one now!

And yea we stand no chance at not sounding pervy. LMAO